viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018


Hello dear partners, today I´m going to write about my career, Psychology.
When I was at school, always I wanted study Psychology, because I liked to understand to people, my friends, my partners, and I thought "I want to read head´s people". I was just a child. Obviously when I started the career, I understand that psychology was totally different, because it was a science or it want to be that.
However, I had very others options, specially on 4°, when we left the school.
thought "oh, maybe can be a teacher", "oh, I like politics science" or "oh I like sociology", even "I like kinesiology", but I choice the first option that I have until 1°: PSYCHOLOGY.
The experience has been very confortable, because I feel that I learn so much, about people, about therapy, about methods, but specially I learn about me and my skills. This knowledge to allows me to participate a volunteering like a psychology´s student on rural areas with other students of others careers of the health area.
So, for this reason, I think that I thought "oh, I going to be a great professional for to help the people with his mental health" I didn´t do wrong, because I like my career, and I would like to be a great child-teen psychologist.

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