viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018

My Future Job:

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Hi dear partners, today I´m going to talk about a important topic about our life: the job in the future. Although I´m study psychology, in the beginning I didn´t know about my job, but now, when this future is near, I know that I want. I like clinic psychology and I would like to job, in first place, at COSAM, a specialized center of attention of people with problem of mental health, especially with child-teenagers population. Then, I would like to job in program that connect with others areas like Educational and community Psychology. When I think where I would like to job, I always said: "I wouldn´t like to job in box, I´m going to feel better working outdoors". Besides, I would like to travel while I´m working, because it will be very nice, to mix work and adventure in others places, I don´t know, I would like the idea. I think something very important too, is the salary that the center or whatever place when I going to job will pay me, I wouldn´t a big salary, but I want money in proportion to my job. Finaly, I would like to continue my studies with a major, maybe in pediatric neuropsychology or in therapy with families, I don´t know yet, but I want to study more, I´m sure about that.

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