viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018


Hello dear partners, today I´m going to write about my career, Psychology.
When I was at school, always I wanted study Psychology, because I liked to understand to people, my friends, my partners, and I thought "I want to read head´s people". I was just a child. Obviously when I started the career, I understand that psychology was totally different, because it was a science or it want to be that.
However, I had very others options, specially on 4°, when we left the school.
thought "oh, maybe can be a teacher", "oh, I like politics science" or "oh I like sociology", even "I like kinesiology", but I choice the first option that I have until 1°: PSYCHOLOGY.
The experience has been very confortable, because I feel that I learn so much, about people, about therapy, about methods, but specially I learn about me and my skills. This knowledge to allows me to participate a volunteering like a psychology´s student on rural areas with other students of others careers of the health area.
So, for this reason, I think that I thought "oh, I going to be a great professional for to help the people with his mental health" I didn´t do wrong, because I like my career, and I would like to be a great child-teen psychologist.

viernes, 19 de octubre de 2018

Resultado de imagen para rapido y furioso

Resultado de imagen para avengers

Resultado de imagen para John Wick
Best Genre and Best Movies:

Certainly, in my opinion, the movies are the best invention of the man, because are very funny and had many stories. Hollywood is the great organization behind the all movies, but my favorite genre is the action. I like the action´s movies. The adrenalin of the characters, the scenes of risk, the pursuits, all of this. So, I don´t have favourite movie, because I like many flims, but if you ask me, I would choise the fast and furious (My first favourite movie, and I have be honest, all movies of fast and furious), other movies that I like are the MCU or Marvel Cinematic Universe, like the Avengers, Iron Man, Captain América, Hulk, Thor, Spiderman, etc. I like this movies because the characters with superpowers and adventures are amazing, and principally the special effects are unbelievables. Finally, also I like the Mission impossible movies (all this movies), the James Bond movies (all this movies too), and John Wick (1 and 2), principally for the scenes of risk, fights and pursuits. Like you can see, I don´t have one favourite movie, because I have many favourite films.

viernes, 5 de octubre de 2018

I Would like to Travel to...

Resultado de imagen para nueva zelanda

Resultado de imagen para maori

Hello partners. Today, I´m going to talk about countries. So, for this reason I would like to visit New Zeland because I like this culture and weather, besides this country has the best rugby team of the world. This team call "All Blacks". 
New Zeland has a important culture call "Maorí", and this is a really great history marks. The ancestors was dance before the war and they scare their enemies with this ritual, besides they had many tattooson his body. Actually the rugby team "All Blacks" use this ceremony before the match.
I wolud like to go to New Zeland on vacation, but if I think I really would like to live there, because I like all landscape of this country. But not all is very great, because the problems are the sickness product bite of mosquitos. However with a good repellent the life maybe are very very good.
Bye partners, see you next day.