lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2018

Resultado de imagen para psicología

I would like to change about my career...

When I began to study psychology, I thought that I would not change anything, I liked it and it seemed entertaining and interesting, but over time I am realizing that I would change many things. Starting with the introductory classes, it because they are very boring, I think that when we enter the career we want to study psychology immediately, we want to talk about psychopathologies, see treatments, know what to do and do therapy with people, but only in the second year we study these more entertaining things, we have subjects calls
“psychiatry”, “psychopathology” and “cognitive neuroscience”. This classes are very nice
. In the second place I would maintain the academic load, because it is not much, however I would like more practical subjects and not only theoretical subjects. In addition, I consider that the five years we studied are fine, because it is necessary to know everything we do very well. Regarding the infrastructure I would like more lifts for people who cannot walk well, this faculty should be more inclusive and "friendly", but it is all with stairs and all the places are small. With technology I also think that the u-courses platform is very useful because it allows us to study and have all the information about the subjects and the texts of classes. Finally, I think I would like to change the teaching method to something more participatory and I would like us to occupy other facilities such as the garden, outdoors, etc. 

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